I have now conducted some initial research into the topics I outlined in my previous blog post. I will dive into the research in more depth in a future blog post. This post will outline some of the initial ideas that I have had and will help me focus my efforts into my research more specifically.
Idea 1: Global Data Visualisation
This idea has been developed to explore how big data can be represented and what are the best ways to go about it. It links into to my Thesis through the type of data that I want to visualise. This data would be associated with healthcare. Below are some sketches that I have drawn which outline my design thinking and possible design directions I may take.
I considered placing this project in VR as it would add an immersive element to understanding the data which was a similar focus to my Thesis. Unfortunately in this instance I think it is a bit of a gimmick to do this. So as I develop this Idea it will be independent of that part of my research. At this point in time I think this idea has some interesting directions but the most important thing for this idea will be the type of data first. I need to find a data set that provides some interesting visualisations and design an interface around that. I am currently think about speaking to some researchers to understand what information they want to explain better and on the other hand speak to a non technical group to understand what they want to understand better about their health or healthcare in general.
Idea 2: First Aid Simulator
My second idea is to develop a VR sandbox tool which can be used to training people how to do first aid. This is in the spirit of many VR games which extend our reality through the us of VR to take us to different and new situations.
My initial sketches are below:
These sketches show my initial idea. The first two show the sort of information and interactions that I would want a user to have and the second two show how a user may interact with a menu system in VR. Because VR allows for 3D objects to be placed around the user I want to insure that I take into account the spatial considerations of designing UI and how this will affect the UX in these situations.