For my project I have come up with a list of technical features I would like to look at in detail some I would like to achieve and some I won't be able to implement in my project due to time constraints / my technical ability. Some have been achieved at the time of writing and some are in the process development. I have outlined them in the list below:
Technical Features Associated with Casualty Interactions:
Heart Rate - Achieved
Watch/Timer - Achieved
Breathing Rate - WIP
AED - Speculative
Recovery Position - WIP
Check Airways - WIP
Pupil Reaction - Speculative
Wounds: Cuts/Scrapes - Speculative
Wound Pressure - Speculative
Wound Bleeding - Speculative
Monitoring Vitals - Speculative
Bandage Application - Speculative
Bodily Signs of Discomfort - WIP
Audio Call and Response - WIP
Tourniquet - Speculative
Virtual Reality Specific
Hands with Inverse Kinematics (IK) - Achieved
Hand Gestures for User Interactions - Achieved
Hand Positions for Grabbable Objects - WIP
Movement Controller - Achieved
Collision - Achieved
Procedural Layout - Speculative
Multi Environment Types - WIP
Weather - Speculative
Day / Night Cycle - Speculative
Main Menu User Interface
Scenario Selector - Achieved
Load Save Selector - Achieved
Custom Scenario Builder / Randomiser - WIP
Watch Menu Interactions - Achieved
Voice Overs for Interactions - WIP
Voice Overs for Tutorial Elements - WIP
Together these for a collection of the key technical areas that I need to work on to form a prototype that fulfils the scope of my project. I will be dedicating a future blog post to the speculative features covered here and why I think that they are important. I also hope to finish all the WIP elements on this list in the time frame for this project.