I find drawing with robots fascinating because as a coder I find the appeal to draw with code amazing. I can interact and draw with a tool that I am comfortable using. One of my favourite examples drawing Robots is the Art installation called “6 Robots named Paul” by Patrick Tresset. The video below shows the Robots in actions:
This video shows the Robots drawing people in a portrait like setup, each robot is slightly different, for example using a different camera or a different way to start the robot arm drawing. I like to consider the Idea that does that Artist Paul Tresset get a self portrait or a portrait from the Robots?
For me this comes down to thinking of coding as Art, by this I mean does the code define the art piece or is it independent of the work that the Robots eventually produce. I think you could argue both ways.
For this project we created a Robot that could draw, we were given a plan of a Robot but were left to our own devices when coding the robot to draw. The robot was based upon an Arduino, this meant that we had lots of control of the motors in the robot, we could adjust the speed of each motor and how long that they were on for.
Video Credit Fisnik
The video above shows an example that the group managed to build, There were a few limitations within the robot, as the motors weren’t servos the control of the motor was as fine grain as the Robots in Patrick Tresset’s piece.
I enjoyed this project as it allowed us to explore robots and programming with something that was physical and not just on a screen in front of us.